
Man Tries Eating Live Hornets, Hornets Immediately Take Him Down From the Inside

At first when you see this guy holding a couple of hornets with a pair of chopsticks, you think he might have a trick up his sleeve. His grin looks a little too smug for someone about to stuff his gullet with painful stinging insects. But as he hesitates while raising them to his mouth, his smile gives way to trepidation, and you can tell that he's just an idiot.

It's unclear what his game-plan is other than pity farming views, but the mouth vs. hornets battle results in a decisive victory for the vicious insects. A devastating after picture speaks louder than words on the damage dealt.

While this dude has accomplished his goal of creating a viral video, it came at the cost of his face. Doesn't seem like the kind of trade a normal person would make... but then again this dude tried to eat hornets.

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