
Man Throws Cigarette Into Wildfire Right in Front of Firefighter

The summer is ending with some pretty wild weather. Fresh off the craziness that is the typhoons in Southeast Asia, there’s now a wildfire raging across Portugal.

There are currently thousands of firefighters on the ground in the country, and at the time of writing, over 37,000 acres of land have been scorched by the blaze.

The cause of fire isn’t yet known, but “experts link the fires to both climate change and the abandonment of traditional farming and forestry professions that helped keep rural areas clear of underbrush that is now fuel for fires,” per the Associated Press.

No matter what started it, this guy isn’t helping matters. While observing firefighters, he finishes his cigarette and tosses it right into where the firefighter is spraying water.

I mean, I guess things can’t get that much worse, right?


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