
Man Steals Christmas Tree From the Top of Another Car In Broad Daylight

Despite being touted as a work of fiction, The Grinch is alive and well and very much real, plucking a Christmas tree from the top of one man’s car in San Mateo, California.

The now-infamous Scrooge decided to spearhead an IRL reboot of the Dr. Seuss holiday classic, swiping a full-sized evergreen tree tied to a car after the driver dropped by the Bridgepointe Shopping Center to run a few errands.

Though the thief’s identity is still unknown, authorities referring to the perp as “Mr. Grinchmas,” the man was able to nab a replacement.

We can only hope this Grinch enjoys his stolen tree … and that its branches are filled with owls, possums, and a ton of praying mantises. 


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