
Man Running Backward Down the Red Rocks Amphitheater Takes a Gnarly Tumble

"It's not how hard you fall! It's how you get back up!" 

That's the on-screen text over a video of some yahoo running full-speed backward down the amphitheater at Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado. And of course, the dude eats it flipping head over heels before getting up again and throwing his arms into the air in a roaring cheer. 

While we don't have all the context, for a video like this, we don't really need it. We know this guy's life is so chill, so easy that he needs to put himself in tough situations just so he can feel the smallest ounce of joy. 

You know the type. People who take cold showers, journal their productivity goals and willingly sign up for Tough Mudders. People who feel neutered and emasculated by the world. 

Don't feel bad for this guy, he sure doesn't feel bad for himself. 


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