
Man Puts Acetylene Balloon in Fire, Causing Massive Kaboom

What did you think would happen?

There’s a not-very-well-kept secret about us fellas: We like when things blow up. Of course, we’d rather the explosions come from things that are supposed to blow up — for example, fireworks, the cars of people who annoy us, etc. — but show us any ol’ explosion, and we’re more than likely going to be pretty transfixed by it.

From people launching fireworks inside, to dudes blowing up their riding lawn mowers, to good, old-fashioned pest removal gone wrong, there aren’t very many explosions we won’t look at and say “nice.”

In this case, a dude decided to fill a balloon with oxygen and acetylene, both things that very easily start on a fire. He then put the balloon in a charcoal grill. You’ll never guess what happens next!


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