
Video of Kai Cenat Giving Man on Police Chase Instructions Is Faked

The streamer Kai Cenat, who was recently banned from Twitch for showing explicit material in GTA, participated in what some viewers are calling the first reverse snipe in streaming history. 

While streaming what appears to be Fox 11's coverage of a February 14 police chase around Compton Los Angeles, Cenat's friend realizes that the suspect might be watching Cenat's stream in real time. "He's watching the stream! Nah that's hard." Cenat agrees; "He's definitely watching the stream." Next, Cenat prompts the driver to make a left, and flashes a peace sign. The driver quickly complies and returns the signal. Unless the driver's moves were strangely coincidental with Cenat's commentary, it would appear that Kai Cenat influenced a police chase on live TV. 

The suspect was reportedly wanted for vehicle theft, and viewers were understandably concerned after seeing Cenat's behavior on stream. "Bro just coached a getaway, he's an accessory," one person commented. "Don't let the police get this," someone else said. Hopefully Cenat's video was a set up with old footage. If not, he may have bigger problems than his recent permanent Twitch ban. 


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