
Man Looking at Phone Falls Onto Subway Tracks

Eyes up when you’re near the tracks!

“Distracted walking” has become an issue in the past few decades. Now that some of us live 90 percent of our lives through our phones, people feel the need to be on them all the time, using them while driving, biking and walking around — and, understandably, this can lead to accidents.

Of course, anyone writing about this phenomenon is required to say that distracted walkers are more likely to get hit by cars, which, while true, does an incredible amount of heavy lifting to remove the blame off the person who hit them. But there’s another aspect of distracted walking that these people aren’t considering: falling into big pits.

Recently, a dude in Russia was walking through the subway station while looking at his phone when he fell onto the tracks. Thankfully, he was saved before anything bad could happen.


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