
Man Gets the Perfect Petty Revenge On Shovel Stealing Neighbor

Having neighbors can be a joy, a total nightmare, or a mix of both. Sometimes you have the pleasure of having a friendly and helpful neighbor who's willing to drop whatever they're doing and lend you a hand. On the opposite end of that spectrum, you might have a Karen or a Ken neighbor who you just absolutely cannot stand and does everything in their power to make your life a living hell.

If you've ever lived in a city that gets snow you can probably relate to having to shovel our driveway and sidewalks. Along with that comes having to dig your car out of the snow after the plows come and bury it. On a cold snowy morning, this man's neighbor needed to dig her car out from the snow. She borrowed his shovel without asking and then kept it for herself. So this man decided to re-bury her car with the help of his handy dandy snowblower.

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