
Man Filming Avalanche Thinks He’s Safe, He Isn't

In this harrowing video, we watch as a man films a distant avalanche, the sound of ice crunching and earth moving ever present. We watch as this unstoppable force of nature moves towards us, but it can't possibly get to us right? Way too late, this man realizes that the avalanche is coming right for him and there is nothing to be done. After muttering a very British, "oh dear God," he takes the best shelter he can behind some rocks.

As detailed in his Instagram, he was one of ten people on a hiking tour in Kyrgyzstan. Contrary to what might have been your initial reaction, he details the truth of the matter, which is that there was nowhere for him to go. One does not simply outrun an avalanche, and the rocks where he was were the best shelter in the area. Why not get a sick video out of it? Thankfully, all ten people on the expedition were okay.

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