
Man Filled With Regret The Morning After His One Night Stand

This is not his proudest conquest as you can see from the look on his face, which says, "how the hell did I get here?" And sure it is a position many of us have found ourselves in after a night out of drinking, but most men have the better judgment to not film themselves and their one-night stands after having had them.

This guy, however, though getting some internet clout was a good trade-off for forever being remembered as that guy who bagged a four. Whatever disappointment he felt upon waking up, we can assure you she felt it ten times over the night prior. I mean look at this shmuck, doesn't look like he has too many options of his own.

So if you ever find yourself in this guy's bed, metaphorically speaking, don't do what he did. Be a man and keep your unpleasant conquests to yourself.
Categories: Facepalm

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