Man Explains How He Got Divorced Over ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’
Let the man play Yu-Gi-Oh!
Relationships are difficult, especially if you both don’t see eye-to-eye about your passions.
In this case, this dude was really into Yu-Gi-Oh — so much so that he decided to start a YouTube channel covering the topic.
However, one day, he met a woman who really didn’t like that sort of thing. She wanted him to go back to school and get a “real job,” whatever that means in the year of our Lord 2024. He tried to do this, but it just wasn’t his deal, and so, in search of a hobby, he returned to Yu-Gi-Oh. Little did he know that this would spell the end of his relationship.
Now, he’s divorced, and while that’s certainly a bummer and I’m sorry he had to go through it, he definitely seems better on the other side. What’s more, he’s now free to continue making Yu-Gi-Oh content without his wife hovering over his shoulder and telling him it’s a “children’s game.”
Honestly, good for him.