
Man Enters Moving Bathroom Display Truck, Takes a Dump in Model Toilet

Beats pissing in a bottle!

Whenever you’re in a hardware store, there’s always a temptation to take a dump in the model toilets. Yes, it’s a stunt that Jackass already did, but that’s just because everything about it is so perfect. The imagery, the (limited) plausible deniability — dropping a deuce in a display toilet will always be funny, no matter when or where it happens.

Speaking of “where,” one might think that they would only get the opportunity to pull this prank in a hardware store. However, as a group of lads driving around discovered, this isn’t actually the case.

Seeing a demonstration bathroom being carried around on a semi, one dude in this car decided to hop out, climb into the bathroom, sit on the toilet and lay a few logs.

Categories: Funny> Pranks

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