
Man's Proposal Foiled after Getting Absolutely Annihilated by Security Guard

I promise you, there are ways to go about this that don't end up with you getting arrested and likely hospitalized.

I've always been a hopeless romantic, and who doesn't love a good old cheesy proposal video? But come on, chief this ain't it. We all know what happens when you step foot on a field that you AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ON. This isn't that hard of a concept to grasp. But our reluctant hero was just hoping to be the exception.

I'm shocked the man was even on the field long enough to get down on one knee, and for a second I thought "oh, maybe he's in the clear - JESUS!" An absolute linebacker reliving his glory days of playing under Friday night lights gets in a full sprinting tackle. Beautiful form though. He stayed low, and didn't target the man's head. That's a clean hit.

I just hope the girl said "yes."

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