
'They're Destroying Masculinity': Male Karen Throws a Fit Over Toddler Clothes With Rainbows

This male Karen is throwing a fit in Target over boys' shirts with rainbows on them while wearing a pink shirt with bathrooms on it. Instead of raging against employees like many Karens do, this guy has instead directed his rage towards the ubiquitous "them," and channeled it through his social media channel. Why does this always happen at Target?

"Dinosaurs are cool right?" He begins his rant while picking up a shirt. "Why is there a big rainbow?" He continues through the entire row of shirts. "Trucks are cool, right? Picking up a rainbow." He concludes by urging all other fathers to "stand up against this wokeness."

It's unfortunate that this man feels so threatened by shirts in Target, and I'm quite confident he could find plenty that suits his own version of "masculine." As one commenter says, "This guy is apparently very insecure with his sexuality, and needs confirmation by what he deems appropriate on a shirt."
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Karens

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