
Maintenance Man Taken Hostage By Karen Who Won't Let Him Leave Her Apartment

It’s hard enough as it is for a maintenance man responsible for multiple flats. It dips into the territory of expert mode when the tenants you happen to work for are relentless hags.

This maintenance man had just finished fixing up the radiators for this old lady and was ready to leave her when she stopped him dead in his tracks. One of the radiators wasn’t up to par. It’s evident that he already explained to her that the one in question wouldn’t be working at the moment and that he’ll return to fix it soon. She’ll have none of that.

The geriatric karen strategically positions herself between the repair guy and the only exit, demanding an explanation. When he tries to give her one, she objects. When he opens the door to try to leave, she demonstrates just how mental she really is, accusing him of assault. Don’t be fooled by a British accent. She may sound posh and polite, but she’s just a kookie old bat.

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