
Luigi Mangione Gets Joker-Level Perp Walk for His Return to Gotham

Are they trying to make him look cool? Because they're doing a great job. 

On December 19th, the alleged UnitedHealthcare CEO assassin Luigi Mangione was brought to New York to face four federal charges. The Feds are evidently pretty proud of this pickup — not only did they manage to find him with suspiciously little information, but when they did, he also had the murder weapon and confession with him! How convenient!

In order to show off their catch, the Feds decided to do a public perp-walk of the criminal. While this may have had the intention of heightening the public image of the NYPD, the reaction online appears to be focusing on how hot he still is and how unseriously everyone is handling this whole situation. Only time will tell if he’s convicted (and if he stays as chiseled as he currently is).

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