
Lost In Translation: 'Fatty Fat Girl' and Other Plus-Sized Stores Seen In Asia

All cultures have different ways of expressing themselves, and if this TikTok of a mall in Thailand is any sign of that, they don't mince words when it comes to the names of their plus-sized stores.

While names like "moo moo' and "Fatty Fatgirl" would clearly be seen as cruel in the United States, before you judge Thailand for being terrible, remember that not all cultures have the same belief systems as you.

In Asia the words like 'fat' are used not in a derogatory way, but as purely descriptor words. In China specifically, there aren't words to describe larger people that don't include the word fat. And while yeah, this might be funny to use, some of the comments were able to find humor in the store names as well, saying, "10/10 would shop at Love Calories."

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