
'Live From the Cemetery!': Hilarious Mom Has Father’s Day Lunch With Her Dead Husband

There are few things more difficult than the death of a spouse, but this mother has found the perfect way to celebrate Father's Day with her family and their dead dad: lunch at the cemetery.

"Live from the cemetery, it's Father's Day!" she exclaims. "Here Mark, have a fry."

The Rosenthals is a hilarious TikTok channel documenting one family and their eccentric mother Robin, especially in regard to her morbid humor.

"Happy Father's Day Mark! Give 'em hell!"

"Love her energy!" Mg commented. "You can tell she wants to put smiles on your faces."

Other viewers expressed gratitude and wrote that the family's carefree attitude gives them solace in their own struggles. 

Just remember that if you ever find some french fries or a half-eaten pancake on a "Mark Rosenthal" gravestone, they're there for a reason, and he's giving them hell.

Categories: Ftw

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