
Video Surfaces of ‘Lion King’ Voice Actor Creating Epic Lion Roar

Just some good old-fashioned movie magic.

Frank Welker is one of the most renowned voice-over actors in the game. With over 50 years of experience in the film industry, he's basically become Hollywood's go-to specialist for animated voice-over work.

You may not recognize his voice right away, but you definitely know his work. He's credited with such roles as Abu and Raja from 'Aladdin', Flit in 'Pocahontas', and Reptile from 'Mortal Kombat.' He's also credited with work on 'The Flinstones', 'Scooby Doo', 'G.I. Joe', 'Jumanji', and 'Space Jam.' He's done video games, commercials, feature films, TV series, you name it. The guy has done voices for 'Toy Story', 'Curious George', 'Transformers', and 'Batman.'

So with a resume that illustrious, you knew he was going to bring the heat for his work on the 1994 Disney hit, 'The Lion King.' Welker was responsible for voicing hyena sounds, wildebeest sounds, and of course, the lion's roar. Here's how he did it.

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