
Line Dancing Dude Only Has His One Move, But He's Really Good At It

Maybe you've seen this dancing man in your feed this week. We don't know what the dance he's doing is called, and clearly, the rest of the dance doesn't mean as much to him, but for a brief few seconds, his noodle-like body does something I've never seen a body do before. 

Is Dancing With the Stars looking for new cast members because, umm, they can't do better than this dude. Seriously, we don't often feature "dance videos," unless it's someone dancing in traffic or near speeding cars, but we had to break our own rule here.  

Come on, just look at his legs go. We don't know his name, or where he is from, but we know that we want what he has. An endless amount of swag and the moves to back it up. 

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