Stage Technician Gives Front Row Bald Man His Own Spotlight

This light tech decided to have a little fun while the audience got seated before a show.

Perhaps he was bored on the job, or perhaps he just felt like causing chaos, but no matter the reason this light tech decided to pick on a bald man sitting in the front row by shining a stage light off the top of his reflective head. The precision with which the light hits this man's head indicates that this light tech had nefarious intent from the start. Either he knows his system inside and out, or took a few tries to line up his humorous spotlight. Either way, he knew exactly what the result would be when he started his TikTok, and raised the level on light number one.

This can't be the first time that this tech has seen the effect a spotlight can have on a bald head, and something tells us it won't be the last.

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