
Interviewer Hands Mark Zuckerberg a Captcha Test and Asks Him To "Circle the Traffic Lights"

If you don't know who Lex Fridman is, he's an MIT computer scientist and podcaster who boasts over a million followers on Twitter and who runs a YouTube channel where he interviews some of the world's most prominent minds and researchers.

However, Lex clearly has a great sense of humor, because before starting his interview with Facebook's I mean, Meta's CEO Mark Zuckerberg, he hands him a printed-out captcha test and asks him to, "circle all the traffic lights."

The Zucc laughs because he's trained for this moment for years and is prepared. He completes the task and successfully convinces Lex that he is indeed human.

But really, props to this guy for having it in him to pull off this stunt. Some seriously next-level stuff, so bravo Lex, and Mark, you may have fooled us this time, but don't rest because we will not until we've uncovered the full, robo-truth you try to keep hidden from us.

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