
Leaked Video Shows Navy Fighter Jet Crashing into the South China Sea

Leaked footage from last month's crash onboard the USS Carl Vinson which was patrolling in the South China Sea has been making the rounds online, and it depicts a harrowing display of a fighter jet skidding of the deck on an aircraft carrier before dropping into the ocean.

A spokesperson for the US Navy's 7th Fleet told the Military Times that the photo of the plane in the water, and the screen recorded video of the crash are both authentic, saying “the ship has assessed that the video and photo covered in the media … were taken on board USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) during the crash.”

The wreckage currently sits at the bottom of the ocean and officials are assessing attempts at salvaging the 94 million dollar Lockheed Martin jet, stating “we are taking appropriate planning actions to salvage our aircraft and recover in a timely manner as we have done in the past."
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