Anonymous Poll Worker on Laura Ingraham Sounds Exactly Like Donald Trump
Peter Rapine Published 11/11/2020
Laura Ingraham interviewed a disguised woman who claimed to witness Biden-Harris surrogate opening and passing around envelopes while working the polls in Pennsylvania. She also interviewed a disguised Nevada poll watcher who also claimed fraud on election day.
Funny that these claims are being made on cable news and not say, in a court of law.
But what is beyond my comprehension is why does this man from Nevada, talk exactly like Trump. The cadence is the same. The off trailing thoughts are there. You don't think Fox News wouldn't interview Trump and lie about?
Funny that these claims are being made on cable news and not say, in a court of law.
But what is beyond my comprehension is why does this man from Nevada, talk exactly like Trump. The cadence is the same. The off trailing thoughts are there. You don't think Fox News wouldn't interview Trump and lie about?
Here is the Nevada caller who speaks just like Trump. WE ARE NOT SAY IT IS TRUMP, JUST THAT THEY SOUND LIKE THE SAME PERSON. If that wasn't clear.
This is definitely Trump
— Nick "Manipulated Media" Lutsko (@NickLutsko) November 11, 2020