
Laundromat Machine Explodes in Epic Security Cam Video

I hate doing laundry more than I like clean clothes, so if this ever happens while my clothes are in the dryer, I'm filing a lawsuit stat!

Free laundry for life, and you're replacing my entire wardrobe. That's how I'm handling this situation. But first and foremost, we're happy the man in this video walked out literally at the most opportune time. A few seconds later and that dude is toast.

I really would like to know what caused this, because for all of the bullshit that laundromats preach about (no shoes in the dryer, no heavy loads), how about you take a look in the mirror. Doing laundry is such a scam. How about we have the 'No dryers that shoot fireballs at customers' conversation? Let's start there.

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