
Las Vegas Family Calls 911 For 9ft Tall Unidentified Beings On Property After Police Bodycam Catches UFO Crash

Aliens and UFOs have been one of the longest-standing debates / conspiracy theories in recent decades.  Do aliens exist, are they here, have they visited us, do they interfere with our biology and evolution?  A solid answer still remains to be uncovered even despite military and government officials acknowledging aerial phenomenon and the US Government being forced to disclose documents as part of the 2020 Covid Relief Bill, we still don't have a simple answer.

Recently, a Las Vegas family claimed something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” 9-foot-tall beings on their property after an alleged UFO. Police bodycam footage of the object in question shows a glowing green light streak across the sky, and a transcript of the caller's 911 conversation definitely gives off an eerie and paranormal vibe. The police investigation was reportedly unable to determine what occurred. It did not conclude whether the two events are connected, nor did the officer see the alleged creatures.


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