
LARPers Perform Necromancer Spell in Attempt to Resuscitate Headless Body, End Up Contaminating Crime Scene

When these LARPers, or live-action role players, stumbled across a dead body, they decided to try and resurrect it themselves instead of alerting authorities. Unfortunately, neither the spells of a healing monk nor a necromancer did anything to revive someone from the dead.

"My friend John said he found a body in the bushes over there," Graeme Barrett, a healing monk, tells the news. "Obviously my magic wasn't strong enough, because the dude's body was missing a head." He says that's when his friend John used the necromancer spell, although Graeme claims he knew it wouldn't work. "And apparently we contaminated the crime scene, cuz that spell uses a lot of glitter."

"This is a real-life South Park scene," one person commented. Others were more concerned by the failed spells. "Kinda crazy the necromancing spell didn't work tbh," one person said. If you feel like this clip is too funny to be true, that's because it is. Graeme Barrett is a Canadian comedian, and this is his most recent sketch.

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