
L.A. Police Chief Gets Told How to Do His Job in the Most Brutal Way

During an 8-hour live stream meeting yesterday, the Los Angeles police commission took calls from residents to hear their feedback on the police department's response to the protests going on there.

Not surprisingly, the calls were a non-stop dunk fest of people tearing into these officials. It went on for hours and the officials just sat there, soaking in all the hate.

In this particularly juicy call, a man breaks down police chief Michel Moore until there's basically nothing left. At one point, he asks everyone in the commission if they've "considered being good at their jobs," and if not, to find new jobs as waiters....Brutal.

Another highlight includes Tony Hawk calling in at one point (although he seems to get cut off).

Anyway, no matter what kind of week you're having, at least you're not getting publicly owned like this. For more unparalleled police re-blogging, click here.

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