Killer Whales Are Way Too F**king Smart and It’s Terrifying
zachnading Published 09/22/2022
Orcas or Killer Whales, are incredibly smart. This comes in handy when hunting for food.
In layman's terms, these orcas are cookin'. And listen is it sad? Absolutely. But that's also the food chain at work. If anything this footage shows us how incredibly intelligent these creatures are. It also proves that they'll do just about anything to survive.
As you can tell from the video, the seal is safe and sound on a massive ice patch. That is until the orcas spot their prey. For larger pieces of ice, the orcas coordinate breakage waves in order to split up the ice. Once they can single out which patch the seal is on, they begin pushing that patch of ice out to open water...serial killer sh*t.
From there, it's just creating waves large enough to flip the seal, then it's game, set, match...feast. In reality the seal never stood a chance.
In layman's terms, these orcas are cookin'. And listen is it sad? Absolutely. But that's also the food chain at work. If anything this footage shows us how incredibly intelligent these creatures are. It also proves that they'll do just about anything to survive.
As you can tell from the video, the seal is safe and sound on a massive ice patch. That is until the orcas spot their prey. For larger pieces of ice, the orcas coordinate breakage waves in order to split up the ice. Once they can single out which patch the seal is on, they begin pushing that patch of ice out to open water...serial killer sh*t.
From there, it's just creating waves large enough to flip the seal, then it's game, set, match...feast. In reality the seal never stood a chance.