
Killer Ant Swarm Attacks and Dismember a Lone Scorpion

Nature can be a mad scientist at times. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of truly amazing and unique creatures, plants, animals, and scenery all over this incredible planet we live on. However, there are also tons of bizarre, creepy, and just plain terrifying things in this world that seemed to have come out of Doctor Frankenstein's mad laboratory. Enter the Driver Ants. The Dorylus, also known as safari ants, or siafu, is a large genus of army ants found mainly in the regions of central and east Africa, and in some parts of tropical Asia. The worker ants are capable of stinging, but very rarely do so, relying instead on their powerful shearing jaws.

The Driver ant queens are the largest living ants known, with the largest measuring between 1.5 to 2.4 inches in total body length. These hive-minded creatures Driver ants have a gruesome reputation for killing everything in their path, from defenseless worms to a full-size scorpion. s have a gruesome reputation for killing everything in their path, from defenseless worms to a full-size scorpion.

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