
Kid Building 30 ft. Tall Lego Towers Is Mindless Curiosity

YouTubers who get tons of money for doing inane, pointless things is one of the most annoying things to see online every day. But these kids' accomplishments are at least worth looking at for a few seconds and then going back to whatever you were doing.

This guy got a bunch of his friends to build towers with giant Lego blocks and mechanical cherry pickers, with a $50k cash prize for the winning team.

After 12 hours of mindless stacking, both towers were just under 30 feet tall, which may not seem like that much because it's actually not a world record. The real Lego tower world record height is closer to 100 feet.

If you really hate this YouTuber content with all your heart, feel free to leave some constructive criticism on their channel in the comments section.

For more weird achievements that offer no sense of purpose, click here.
Categories: Wow Epic Pop Culture Win

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