
Kid Slams Into Sloth While Going Full Speed Down a Zip-line

In all our years of watching and sharing internet videos, this is a first. Sure there are plenty of zip-line videos out there, but most of them don't have sloths in them. And you can bet this father-son duo didn't expect to find this little dude hanging out on their line.

We'd love to see how the video ended, but sadly it cuts after they run into the sloth. But we do have some questions. For one, how did he get there? And where the hell is he going?

Second, how long were these guys stuck behind him? Because the only thing we know for sure is that sloths don't move very fast and if they waited for him to finish his line they were probably stuck up there for hours.

Maybe they pushed him off and that's why we don't have an ending? Were not saying that's what happened, just that it's a possibility.
Categories: Wow

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