
Elementary School Kid Rates His School Lunch and it Looks Disgusting

This school kid decides to give us a rating of his school lunch, and with it a flashback to a time in our lives when we were forced to consume this repulsive mush not suitable for dogs on a daily basis, and did so without much thought or protest. With a fairly standard haul of a spicy chicken sandwich, some pasta with sauce and cheese, and the ubiquitous chocolate milk box, this little food critic is ready to make his review.

Unsurprisingly the sandwich bun is reported as stale, and the meat within unremarkable. Next comes the pasta, which looks more like puke than food, and is as un-appetizing as an up-chuck. And finally, the chocolate milk box gets some approval, since they are in fact the greatest thing since sliced bread, (for school lunches anyhow). But despite 2/3 of the meal being utter crap, this kid gives his approval, and rates it a 6/10. I'd love to see what a 3 looks like.

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