
Kenan Nails Leo DiCaprio Joke While Hosting the Emmys

Kenan threw some slight shade at Leonardo DiCaprio while hosting last night's Emmy Awards.

Kenan Thompson was host of the 2022 Emmy Awards, and he didn't disappoint. On a night which included a mini 'Good Burger' reunion with costar Kel Mitchell, he probably could've ended it there and we would've been pleased.

But during an earlier bit, Thompson addressed 'Euphoria' actress Zendaya, and how she had just celebrated her 26th birthday. The punchline being that she is still young enough to play a high school character, but too old to date Leonardo DiCaprio.

Just in case you live under a rock, Leo has been dumping his 25-year-old girlfriends like yesterday's trash. The joke was well delivered, and well received. Zendaya hung her head in embarrassment and everyone laughed. Leo however, was not in attendance for the roasting unfortunately. Zendaya would then go on to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama.

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