'Keep my Belly Full and my Balls Empty': Most Misogynistic Wedding Vows Ever Read Aloud
zachnading Published 03/29/2023
That's one way to start a marriage, let's see if it pays off. Although belittling your bride and shooting your shot with Margot Robbie might not be the smoothest jumping-off point.
Fellas for future reference, nobody invited to your wedding wants to hear about the bride gagging on your dick, least of all the bride's family. So if you find yourself thinking "what would Dave Chapelle write?" maybe take a step back, look in the mirror, and remind yourself that you are NOT a comedian.
Unfortunately, the misogyny runs deep in this groom's genes, so he had to crack a 'wife belongs in the kitchen' joke. He also somehow turns her into a sex object on what should be the best day of her entire life. Smooth move, bro. I'm sure it was worth the two awkward laughs you received.
Fellas for future reference, nobody invited to your wedding wants to hear about the bride gagging on your dick, least of all the bride's family. So if you find yourself thinking "what would Dave Chapelle write?" maybe take a step back, look in the mirror, and remind yourself that you are NOT a comedian.
Unfortunately, the misogyny runs deep in this groom's genes, so he had to crack a 'wife belongs in the kitchen' joke. He also somehow turns her into a sex object on what should be the best day of her entire life. Smooth move, bro. I'm sure it was worth the two awkward laughs you received.