
Karen Goes Off on Woman Who Took Her Pet Pig to the Park

An exacerbated Karen just can't accept that a woman is walking her pet pig in the park.

This woman looks for any excuse she can find to have beef with the massive pet pig she's stumbled across walking in the park. While the pig itself is exceptionally well behaved minding its business next to a tree, this woman grasps at straws trying to pinpoint the source of her anger. She exclaims that all dogs must be on a leash, while staring at the leash on the pig. Upon learning that the pig is an emotional support animal, Karen simply cannot accept that a pig could be used in such a fashion. The interaction ends with Karen deciding she's going to take a picture and report the pig to the police.

Throughout the constant harassment, Chorizo the emotional support pig remains exceptionally calm. It's abundantly clear who the real pig was here.
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