
Karen Throws Luggage and Climbs on Counter after Being Denied Check-In at Airport

There are Karen meltdowns, and then there are Karen meltdowns. This impressive display of assault and destruction certainly falls into the latter category.

The incident took place in the Mexico City International Airport, after this woman was allegedly denied check-in to her Emirates flight for arriving late with an expired passport. Instead of just giving the employees an earful, this woman jumps the divider, and goes on to throw, hit, and kick anything in the way of her blinding fit of rage. Ending her tirade by standing on top of the check-in booth and screaming, she's certainly made her feelings clear, although she'll likely never be able to make them heard in an airport again. The employees seem ready to take on the challenge, with one taking off her neck scarf, and the other sporting some Harley Quinn inspired makeup.

It's a good thing this woman showed her true colors at check-in, because things would have gone even worse in the air.

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