
Karen Fights Woman For Her Turkey and Steals Her Shopping Cart

The Thanksgiving turkey rush can be a stressful time, especially when people are counting on you to make them the holiday dinner they've been dreaming of. So make sure you get to the supermarket early, or else you may be forced to deal with thieving Karens like this poor woman in the supermarket.

"Give it back!" Karen's victim yells, as she tries to wrestle her turkey back from the thief. "Fine, I'm taking your cart" Karen says, going for the shopping cart instead. "Vegan teacher Vs Liza Koshy," one person comments, noting the likeness between those internet celebrities and these two. "What in the Christmas with the Kranks is going on here?" someone else jokes.

This video was posted by Jake Hunter, who shares public freakout videos, and stages his own. With that, feel free to take this video with a grain of salt.

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