
Karen Demands to Be Let Off of Flight Because She Doesn’t Believe the Person Next to Her is Real

Nothing is worse than being stuck next to an awful passenger on a long-haul flight, but what about a supernaturally bad one?

That's what one Karen believed was in store for her on an American Airlines flight.

"Everyone can either believe it, or they cannot believe it," she slurred, appearing to be drunk. "But I am telling you right now, that motherf---er back there is not real." 

She then demands to get off the plane, although it's unclear if she got her wish. It's incredibly rare for a plane to turn back once leaving the gate, but I know I'd rather stomach a half-hour delay than fly for six hours with a delusional Karen.

"I’ve seen Final Destination enough to know I’m getting off the plane," Nikepokerdad joked. Other commenters also wanted to know what the person looked like before completely discounting her opinion. 

As one person joked, "This right here is why you don’t take gummies before take off."


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