
Kanye West Unhinged During Interview With Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan Uncensored invited Ye for a two-hour interview to discuss his inflammatory statement and ask if he’s sorry for the offense he caused.

In this exclusive, Piers Morgan asks Ye about his comments on the Jewish community, the death of George Floyd, his marriage with Kim Kardashian, and the relationship he has with their children.

“The idea for ‘Django’ I pitched to Jamie Foxx and Quentin Tarantino as the video for ‘Gold Digger,’” the rapper said, referring to his hit 2005 song. “And then Tarantino turned it into a film,” said West.

The clip below starts where Kanye mentions Tarantino @5:56, but the entire interview is truly fascinating, with Kanye dubbing himself as one of the Top 5 Writers in human history, as well as the most influential person on the planet.

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