
"Kai The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker" Found Guilty Of Murder

Kai faces life in prison for the murder of a lawyer back in 2013. Kai actually once visited the eBaum's World headquarters in the height of his "viral fame", before any of these charges were brought forward.

Here was Kai's claim to fame a viral interview in a bizarre scene where he used a hatchet and "stopped" a crazy man from running over people with his vehicle.

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Shortly after the video went viral, Kai stopped by the eBaum's World headquarters (then in San Francisco CA) where he crashed at our very own MacDreidel's place and filmed this surfing video, after multiple boasts about his surfing skills, which appeared to be subpar.

Thankfully MacD wasn't the victim of any malicious behavior, but it was a sobering reminder for us all a week or two after he left when the murder accusations surfaced.

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