
Joy Behar Complains Ukraine Crisis Jeopardizing Italian Vacation on Air, Gets Roasted (Hard)

During a segment of The View today, longtime host Joy Behar found herself in hot water after she, grim-faced and heartbroken, empathizes with the millions under threat of gunfire and airstrikes by mentioning how hard it's been trying to organize her vacation to Italy.

Behar, 79, made her comments after the discussion began with Whoopi Goldberg opening the floor with a statement about the anti-war sentiment around the world -- including by many in Russia itself. Fellow co-host Sunny Hostin then points out that some estimates put the predicted number of civilian casualties to potentially reach fifty thousand before the crisis comes to any sort of close, with millions displaced from their homes.

To which Behar shakes her head and mentions how hard it has been for her to plan a European vacation to Italy, and how she might have to -- yet again -- scrap her plans.

We really feel for you, Behar. We can only imagine the pain and heartbreak you must feel in the wake of having to reschedule your Italian vacay once again.
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