
JJ Watt's Teammate Sends Drugged-Up Retirement Message After Getting Wisdom Teeth Pulled

When a reporter asks NFL superstar JJ Watt about reactions to his retirement announcement, the future Hall of Famer reveals this absolute gem of a message sent by his rookie teammate Jesse Luketa.

While Watt is initially reluctant to play the voice message, he later obtains permission from Luketa to share it, and the result is pure gold. High off of pain killers and with cotton swabs in his mouth, Luketa gives his love to Watt and asks for a jersey. The odds that Luketa even remembers sending the message seem low, and the fact that JJ receives it from an unknown number makes the entire story even more entertaining.

Videos like this one further prove the kind of stand up person JJ Watt is, and the love his teammates have for him. It's also a wonderful reminder of the hilarity that can ensue when medical level drugs are involved.

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