Jerry Stiller's "Seinfeld" Character Could Have Been Drastically Different
nootens Published 05/11/2020
Jerry Stiller passed away today at 92 years old, but he left a comedy legacy that people will continue to cherish for years.
In this old interview, Jerry explains how his Seinfeld character, Frank Costanza (George Costanza's dad), was written much differently than how he ended up playing it.
The old Frank Costanza was supposed to wear a bald cap and whisper like an old baby. This didn't feel right to Jerry, so at the last minute before taping his first episode, he improvised a temper tantrum and the audience loved it.
Larry David, the show's creator, approved, so Jerry lost the bald cap and took up his feisty attitude that would define the character for the rest of the series.
In this old interview, Jerry explains how his Seinfeld character, Frank Costanza (George Costanza's dad), was written much differently than how he ended up playing it.
The old Frank Costanza was supposed to wear a bald cap and whisper like an old baby. This didn't feel right to Jerry, so at the last minute before taping his first episode, he improvised a temper tantrum and the audience loved it.
Larry David, the show's creator, approved, so Jerry lost the bald cap and took up his feisty attitude that would define the character for the rest of the series.
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