
Tourist from Japan Falls Head over Heels for Wisconsin

Of all the states in all the countries in the world, he walked into this one.

The original TikTok video was posted by a man with the account name georgejapan02. He takes us on a whirlwind of a ride - as any great tour guide would - of the great state of Wisconsin. Now is your chance to look away if you don't like super wholesome sh*t.

Who doesn't love nature? Wisconsin apparently has a ton of it. George then takes us over to Culver's for a burger, which he claims is better than McDonald's (can anyone confirm?) Kudos to George for not leaving without trying a cheese curd.

He then takes us on the most basic of American trips...the apple orchard! Honestly though the apple cider and donut look incredible. My favorite part of the video is the county fair. Dude is watching monster truck rallies, living his best life.

Next on eBaum's

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