
Jake Paul is Apparently Broke After Putting All His Money Into Crypto

In a recent episode from Logan Paul's podcast, he made a subtle joke using finger quotes about his brother's, Jake Paul, "boxing career".
In a recent video from Logan Paul's podcast, he made a subtle joke using finger quotes about his brother's, Jake Paul, "boxing career". The response was that he may actually have a successful career, winning multiple fights and making over $40 million. However, Logan laughed and said his brother wasted all of his millions in cryptocurrency and that he's now broke.

It's unclear if this was just a jealous dig at his brother's successful career or if Jake Paul is actually broke from investing in failed cryptocurrencies. Anything is possible!

Jake Paul recently tweeted about the state of the political and economical climate in the US, stating that it must be Biden's fault for not doing anything about gas, inflation, and crypto prices. However, Biden and the rest of the US political system have no control over cryptocurrency, which is the whole point.

It seems like nobody in the Paul family really knows what's happening or how anything really works.

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