
Jackie Kennedy Looks Like She Ate Sheet Metal

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy has long been considered a role model of temperament, elegance, and beauty. During her time in the White House in the early 1960s, she was seen as an icon of fashion, and enjoyed writing and photography on top of her responsibilities as first lady. She was loved by her family and America alike.

Unfortunately Gen Z wasn't alive in the 1960s, and have decided that due to her teeth and smile she looks feral, and enjoyed snacking on sheet metal. I'm sorry orthodontists weren't around to fix everyone's teeth back then. Inevitably the memes came poring in, primarily on Twitter and TikTok, and you have to admit, some of them are actually pretty funny. As a couple, her and JFK do have some pretty suspicious teeth and smiles in this ridiculous context. It's just a shame that "eating sheet metal" will now pop up every time somebody decides to google the beloved late great first lady.


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