
Jack Harlow Gets His First Ever Ring Dinger

Some people believe chiropractors are not real doctors. They believe it's pseudoscience and tend to make problems worse. There are plenty of horror stories and videos out there that will make anyone cringe with the bone-popping twists of someone's neck.

However, famous rapper Jack Harlow, who has appeared on tracks with Lil Nas X and Drake, recently visited Dr. Gregory Johnson who has a popular Youtube series called Advanced Chiropractic Relief with a growing audience of 500,000 subscribers. Dr. J, as he goes by, performs the spine-cracking process of the Ring Dinger, which pulls on the spinal cord to realign it.

"Jack: “What’s poppin?” Dr. Gregory: “That’s your left SI joint”
- Daniel Méndez 2 weeks ago

Jack Harlow makes audible grunts as you hear his spine pop back into place, he seems uncomfortable and slightly frightened by the whole experience. But by the end, he says he feels much better.

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