
'It's Not Normal for Women to Climax': Podcast Guys Expose Themselves as Incapable of Pleasing a Woman

These podcast dudes on the Jesse Lee Peterson Show out themselves as incapable of pleasing a woman, after they debate the existence of the female orgasm and decide it's a myth. This clip was recently re-published by the musician Sarah Hester Ross, who responded to it on her TikTok. The clip is especially applicable to her brand, as she has a song called “Vibrators Are A Girls Best Friend.”

In the podcast clip, four men come to the conclusion that women are not capable of orgasm. "Any woman that's climaxing is becoming a man," Jesse Lee Peterson says. "Because it's not normal for women to do that." "I think it's a lie, I don't think they do that," another guy says. "The climaxing part, I'm not so sure about that." As funny as the clip is, it is a sad reality that many men are simply incapable of delivering the goods so many women need, and even worse, they choose to blame women instead of trying to improve themselves. Maybe a vibrator really is a girl's best friend.
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