
Is This Orb an Alien Craft, or Just the Planet Venus?

Okay, can we get some actual consistency about what these drones are?

After Roswell, people began reporting alien sightings all over the place. The problem with many of these sightings was that, among other things, there was very little consistency between the stories. Descriptions of crafts would vary wildly, and if anyone spotted the aliens themselves, they would frequently be discussed in terms showing that the observers more than likely got the idea from a TV show rather than any lived experience.

This left open two possibilities. First, we were being invaded by a bunch of different aliens at once. Second, and more likely, the paranoia of the moment led to a lot of people chalking up every strange thing they saw as an alien.

This seems to be happening all over again with the drone story. While some of these drone sightings are admittedly weird, others can be easily explained. For example, ABC News recently shared a clip in which a fuzzy dot could be seen in the sky. The problem was that this dot is the planet Venus, and the fuzziness can be attributed to e


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